Turn Your Tache Into Cash For Cancer Focus NI

Get a Tache for Cash and raise some dough.

The men of Down are urged to ditch their razors, grow a mo and raise money and awareness for men’s health during November.

Cancer Focus Northern Ireland, in association with The Man Shack, is calling on local men to get hairy and support its Tache for Cash fundraiser as part of the charity’s 50th anniversary celebrations.

Whether it’s a handlebar, horseshoe or walrus tache, get your work colleagues together and master the art of trimming for a good cause!

The Man Shack is ready to raise cash for Cancer Focus NI – is your tache ready for the chop?

The money raised by Tache for Cash will help keep the Cancer Focus NI ManVan on the roada around Northern Ireland. The mobile drop-in unit, specifically for men, brings free health checks and cancer awareness sessions to venues such as farmers’ markets, football matches, shopping centres, workplaces and community centres – anywhere where men live, work and play.

The tools on board help to empower local men to take control of their own health and lower their risk of cancer.

Louise Richardson, Corporate Fundraising Officer, said: “Research shows that while cancer affects both men and women, more men die from the disease. Men can change this by talking about their health concerns and by taking positive steps to improve their health.

“Every year Cancer Focus NI provides health support and advice to over 3,000 men in Northern Ireland. With over 4,700 males being diagnosed with cancer each year, support and health checks are more important than ever to give men the tools to take control of their own health.

“We are so grateful to The Man Shack for partnering with us on this campaign. Their involvement will help us reach out to even more local men. We hope that men everywhere will join in, have some craic and raise the cash.”

Kenny Parker, The Man Shack owner, said: “As a local company we are delighted to be able to partner with an amazing local charity. The work Cancer Focus NI carries out across Northern Ireland is vital in raising awareness of male cancers and how important it is for men to keep on top of their health.

“We are delighted to help promote the campaign and that one of our staff members, Conor O’Neill, has taken on the challenge to grow his tache. Watch this space for progress pictures.”

To sign up to Tache for Cash visit https://cancerfocusni.org/event/tache or for more information please contact us on 028 9066 3281 or email louiserichardson@cancerfocusni.org.

If you have any concerns about cancer, call the Cancer Focus NI free information and advice NurseLine and speak to a specialist nurse on 0800 783 3339.