27, July, 2024, 0:13
Home Tags Jim Shannon MP

Tag: Jim Shannon MP

Jim Shannon MP Wishes A Happy New Year

Strangford MP wishes constituents a happy new year for 2024 Strangford MP Jim Shannon .

Shannon Says We Must Address Respiratory Health

Building an NHS fit for the Future is vital says Jim Shannon MP Strangford MP Jim Shannon attended the...

Fur Flies Over Court Decision On Badger Cull

Court Decision Over Proposed Badger Cull Causes Major Debate Already as the dust settles on the court decision...

Shannon Questions Bank Account Closures

Shannon raises closures of bank accounts at Westminster Strangford MP Jim Shannon has highlighted the use of fraud legislation...

Shannon Concerned At Drugs On Tap In Ards Area

Shannon concerned at drugs availability in the Ards area Strangford MP Jim Shannon has urged parents to speak with...

Shannon Concerned At Portaferry Road Safety

Shannon meets with Road Service and PSNI to discuss road safety on Portaferry Road Strangford MP Jim Shannon has...

Shannon Concerned At Rising Car Insurance Costs

Car insurance going through the roof says Jim Shannon MP  Strangford MP Jim Shannon has expressed concern over the cost...

Shannon Says Keep Postmen Safe From Your Dogs

Attacks Postal Workers By Dogs Have Increased Says Jim Shannon MP Jim Shannon MP has submitted an Early Day...

Shannon Says Check Needed On Portaferry Road

Jim Shannon MP has asked for a road surface check to be done at the Portaferry Road, Newtownards Jim...

Shannon Addresses Health Issues At Top Level

Shannon stresses Importance of Medication for PKU Sufferers Jim Shannon MP for Strangford met with NSPKU Campaigner Caroline Graham...

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