SPRING is on the way and the Stroke Association Northern Ireland are encouraging people to get on their bikes and hit the road for stroke! The St.Patrick’s Bike Ride takes place on Sunday 20th March in Downpatrick and cyclists have a choice of completing a leisurely 5 mile route or a more challenging 15 mile distance. The cycle run starts at 10am and will go every 15 minutes after that for an hour. Starting from Quoile Pondage, both routes offer participants the opportunity to experience St Patrick’s Country at their own pace taking in the breathtaking views and key landmarks such as Slieve Patrick and Castle Ward. The event promises to be a great day out, raising vital funds for The Stroke Association’s vital work in Northern Ireland at the same time. BBC Northern Ireland’s Noel Thompson, the Patron of The Stroke Association NI, who plans to participate in the event, said, ” [caption id="attachment_20762" align="alignleft" width="287" caption="Neil Cusack aka St Patrick with Peter McCabe of The Stroke Association get On Their Bikes as part of the 2011 St Patrick's Festival Programme (check out www.downdc.gov.uk). Don't miss the fun bike ride in aid of the Stroke Association NI."][/caption] “Whether you take part with friends, family, a group from the office or on your own, we would love you to join us on 20th March. Not only will it be a fun and healthy day out but you will be helping The Stroke Association continue its vital work for local stroke survivors, their carers and families”. View the St Patrick’s Festival Programme at: St Patrick’s Programme 2011 Registration is £10 per person, or £20 per family and participants are encouraged to raise some sponsorship. For more information, or to register, visit www.stroke.org.uk/stpatrick, email eventsni@stroke.org.uk or ring 028 9050 8053. Some Notes on Stroke 1. Approximately 4,000 people in Northern Ireland will have a stroke this year. 2. Today in Northern Ireland 12 people will have a stroke. Four of those people will recover, four will have permanent disabilities and four will die. 3. Stroke is the biggest disabler in NI with over 10,000 living with aphasia – a devastating communication disability caused by a stroke. 4. Stroke is the third biggest killer in Northern Ireland. 5. The Stroke Association Northern Ireland is the only organisation in Northern Ireland solely dedicated to the needs of stroke survivors and people living with aphasia. The Stroke Association NI is part of The Stroke Association and is a community based charity, providing vital professionally led services such as speech & language therapy, family support, training, information and advice to stroke survivors and people living with aphasia, their carers and families’ right across Northern Ireland. 6. A stroke is a brain attack which causes brain damage. A stroke can be diagnosed by using FAST – Facial weakness, Arm weakness, Speech problems, Time to call 999. If any of these symptoms are present call an ambulance straight away. 7. For more information, telephone us on 028 9050 8020 or email us on northernireland@stroke.org.uk or visit www.stroke.org.uk. The National Stroke Helpline provides information on stroke to the general public and is open between 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday on 0303 3033 100. The Stroke Association NI……………….Phone: 028 9050 8020 Graham House Knockbracken Healthcare Park………….Fax: 028 9050 8025 Saintfield Road]]>