South Eastern Regional College Finds Funding Using Grant Tracker

The South Eastern Regional College has sourced over £183,000 to deliver a radio programme, using a valuable online funding resource.

[caption id="attachment_59231" align="alignleft" width="390"]Check out Grant Tracker - it might put you on the path to a funder for your community project. Check out Grant Tracker – it might put you on the path to a funder for your community project.[/caption]

The College was first alerted to the funding opportunity on GrantTracker and through a successful application was awarded the six figure sum by the Paul Hamlyn Foundation to roll out a three year project known as ‘My Radio’.

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Bangor Community Radio, in partnership with the Community stations in Lisburn and Downpatrick and the South Eastern Regional College (SERC), aims to improve the oral communication skills of 16-19 year olds in education and those not in education, training or employment through the exciting and dynamic vehicle of the radio.

The participants will be supported to produce a short but impactful radio recording on an issue that matters to them and in doing so will achieve a personal development qualification.

Radio lends itself naturally to a project on developing speaking and listening as they are fundamental skills in radio, whether presenting or just listening to a show. This approach allows the young people to get excited and motivated whilst learning valuable transferable skills. They will plan, produce, record and evaluate a radio recording which will support the development of their speaking and listening skills.

Sharon Browne, SERC Project Officer, said: “GrantTracker provides a good overview of grants available and saves time trawling through various sites as we can target specific projects directly”.

To find out more about GrantTracker visit the website or get in touch with NICVA, the local umbrella body for the voluntary and community sector who maintains the website. Deirdre Murphy will be happy to take your call Tel: 028 9087 7777 or receive your email:

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NICVA members are entitled to further discount and currently we are offering membership free to charities/groups with income of less than £20,000.

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