Sinn Féin Calls On Newcastle Residents To Support Murlough Oil Buying Club

dn_screenSinn Féin Mourne’s Councillor Willie Clarke has called upon Newcastle residents to sign up with the Murlough oil buying club. The initiative is funded by the NI Housing Executive, in partnership with Bryson Energy.

He said: “Fuel poverty is an unbearable burden. Establishing an oil club offers real, practical help to the most vulnerable in our community. The Murlough oil club is looking to boost membership numbers, and currently there are 55 members in the club receiving significant savings in their energy bills. A greater number of members means greater savings.

“The idea is simple: club members put their orders together. Bryson Energy, then approach oil companies for the best deal. They can then get individual orders at bulk prices.

“Coming into winter there is no better time to think about becoming a member of the Murlough oil club, for further information in relation to the Murlough Oil Club.”

Please contact: Bryson Energy, Léo Andrade 028 9073 4261]]>