Sinn Féin Calls For Attack Witnesses To Step Forward Following Newcastle Assault.
Sinn Féin MLA Emma Rogan and Newcastle Cllr Willie Clarke have both called for anyone with information to come forward following a sexual assault in Newcastle which took place in Marrion Avenue at the weekend.

Emma Rogan MLA said: “This horrific crime is absolutely disgusting. The attacker must be caught and brought to justice.
“If anyone has seen something or knows anything of this attack they must come forward immediately to the PSNI on 101 or phone Crime Stoppers anonymously on 0800 783 0137.”
Local Newcastle Cllr Willie Clarke added: ‘This is incredibly worrying news. Many parents and residents in the area have already contacted me and are very concerned.
“Our community must not be allowed to remain living in fear. We need to see this attacker caught.”
Publication of New Domestic and Sexual Violence and Abuse Action Plan
The Department of Health and Department of Justice have jointly published a 2018/2019 action plan under the Stopping Domestic and Sexual Violence and Abuse Strategy.

The action plan is the third to be issued under the Strategy and is based on partnership working with the Department of Education, Department for Communities and other statutory, voluntary and community sector colleagues.
The plan will identify new initiatives to ensure a continued focus on sexual violence and abuse. A key area of work for the Department of Justice is the implementation of a Domestic Homicide Review process to capture learning, share good practice and improve the response to domestic violence and abuse.
Actions for other partners include the development of policy proposals for a ‘Sanctuary Scheme’ for victims of domestic abuse and considering how relationships and sexuality education curriculum resources can support teachers in addressing domestic and sexual violence and abuse. Another key action will be the commencement of a Crown Court Observers’ study to gather information on victims’ and witnesses’ experience of the court system in sexual offence cases.
The action plan will directly contribute to the delivery of the 2016 Stopping Domestic and Sexual Violence and Abuse Strategy’s vision, to have a society in Northern Ireland in which domestic and sexual violence is not tolerated in any form, effective tailored preventative and responsive services are provided, all victims are supported, and perpetrators are held to account.