Rockpool Ramble At Minerstown To Celebrate National Marine Week

Dip below the surface to discover our fascinating underwater world during National Marine Week, by joining Ulster Wildlife and Lecale Conservation at Minerstown Caravan Park on Thursday 30 July for a rockpool ramble. Search for creatures hiding within the rock pools – starfish, colourful anemones, fish, shellfish, sea slugs and more – with help from marine experts and learn more about the amazing marine wildlife right on our doorstep.

[caption id="attachment_57550" align="aligncenter" width="540"]Come along and enjoy rockpooling for the family at Minerstown on Thursday 30 July from  3-5pm. Come along and enjoy rockpooling for the family at Minerstown on Thursday 30 July from 3-5pm.[/caption]

“This National Marine Week event is a great opportunity for both adults and kids to dip below the surface, and experience first-hand the stunning diversity of wildlife that lives beneath our waves,” said Dave Wall, Living Seas Officer with Ulster Wildlife. “As well as being lots of fun, we hope it will inspire people to find more to enjoy, more to learn and more to value in the fantastic marine life around our shores.” The free event runs from 3pm to 5pm and everyone is welcome. Booking is recommended – please call Ulster Wildlife on 028 9045 4094 or email: Throughout National Marine Week from 25 July to 9 August, Ulster Wildlife is offering an exciting variety of events for all the family, from snorkel safaris and rockpool rambles to coastal foraging walks. For more information, visit:]]>