Release Of Northern Ireland Hospital Statistics For 2014/15

The Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety today published the 2014/15 Inpatient, Day Case and Outpatient Hospital Statistics for Northern Ireland.

These Hospital Statistics publications outline (a) the number of inpatient and day case admissions and (b) the number of attendances at consultant led outpatient services in Northern Ireland during 2014/15, analysed by HSC Trust, hospital and specialty.

Both publications are available online at:

Key Findings 2014/15

Inpatient Activity

*  During 2014/15 there were 606,144 inpatient and day case admissions to hospital in Northern Ireland. This was a decrease of 0.3% (1,795) on the number of admissions during 2013/14 and an increase of 4.3% (25,153) on the number admitted during 2010/11. Of the 606,144 admissions in 2014/15, 50.5% (306,043) were patients admitted as inpatient admissions with the other 49.5% (300,101) day cases.

[caption id="attachment_54544" align="aligncenter" width="540"]The campaign to "save Our Services" continues with a white line protest in Ballynahinch. The annual Department of Health statistics for Northern Ireland hospitals have been published.[/caption]

*  The day case rate for acute services has increased from 74.2% in 2010/11 to 78.3% in 2014/15. The greatest increase occurred between 2010/11 and 2011/12 when the day case rate increased by 2.9 percentage points from 74.2% to 77.1%.

*  In the period between 2010/11 and 2014/15, the average number of available beds throughout Northern Ireland decreased by 10.3% (691) from 6,725 to 6,034.

*  Between 2013/14 and 2014/15 the greatest decrease in average available beds was evident in the Learning Disability programme of care, falling by 61 (26.8%) beds from 230 in 2013/14 to 169 in 2014/15.

*  The occupancy rate in hospitals in Northern Ireland was 83.2% during 2014/15; this was an increase from 82.7% in 2013/14 and was an increase from 82.9% in 2010/11.

*  Average length of stay in hospitals has fallen consistently each year from 6.9 days in 2010/11 to 6.0 days in 2014/15. In the last year average length of stay fell by 0.1 days from 6.1 days in 2013/14 to 6.0 days in 2014/15.

Outpatient Activity

*  During 2014/15, 1,501,064 patients were seen at consultant led outpatient services within HSC hospitals in Northern Ireland.

*  Some 31.6% (474,561) of patients seen during 2014/15 were new attendances, with the other 68.4% (1,026,503) being review attendances, resulting in a new to review ratio of 1:2.2.

*  Patients missed a total of 147,536 appointments during 2014/15, giving a Did Not Attend (DNA) rate of 8.9, lower than the rate of 9.1 reported for 2013/14 and the rate of 10.3 reported for 2010/11.

*  Patients cancelled 194,257 appointments during 2014/15, giving a Could Not Attend (CNA) rate of 11.5, compared with a rate of 11.2 reported for 2013/14 and a rate of 11.0 reported for 2010/11.

*  Hospitals cancelled a total of 168,555 appointments during 2014/15, giving a hospital cancellation rate of 10.1, compared with a hospital cancellation rate of 9.7 reported for 2013/14 and a rate of 10.9 for 2010/11.

*  During 2014/15, 53,010 patients attended an appointment with an Independent Sector Provider, commissioned by the Health Service.

*  When attendances at HSC Trusts and Health Service Independent Sector activity are combined, there were 1,554,074 consultant led attendances in Northern Ireland during 2014/15.

ICATS Activity

*  During 2014/15, 107,407 patients were seen at an ICATS service in Northern Ireland. This was a decrease of 4.0% (4,499) on the 111,906 seen during 2013/14.

*  Some 41.5% (44,604) of patients seen during 2014/15 were new attendances, the other 58.5% (62,803) being review attendances, resulting in a new to review ratio of 1:1.4.

*  Compared to 2013/14, new attendances decreased by 4.9% (2,279), whereas review attendances decreased by 3.4% (2,220).

*  Patients missed a total of 9,724 ICATS appointments during 2014/15, giving a Did Not Attend (DNA) rate of 8.3, compared with a rate of 8.1 reported for 2013/14.

*  Patients cancelled 14,908 appointments during 2014/15, giving a Could Not Attend (CNA) rate of 12.2, compared with a CNA rate of 11.8 reported for 2013/14.

*  Hospitals cancelled 9,794 appointments during 2014/15, giving a hospital cancellation rate of 8.4, compared with a hospital cancellation rate of 7.4 reported during 2013/14.
