Relate NI Concerned About Impacts Of Christmas

Relate NI Raises Concerns About Impact This Christmas Will Have On Family Relationships and Well-Being 

Relate NI Raises Concerns About Impact This Christmas Will Have On Family Relationships and Well-Being  

As the Cost of Living Crisis continues to worsen, coupled with the existing pressures which build up on relationships every winter, Relate NI, the relationship counselling service, is raising its concerns about the wide impacts this Christmas will have on family relationships and well-being.

The festive season can be a time to nourish our close relationships and enjoy the wellbeing benefits which that brings. However, it can also be a pressure cooker for our relationships. 

Money worries, unrealistic expectations and competing demands on our time and resources can lead many of us to feel under pressure, and this pressure can show up in our relationships in various ways.

This can include igniting unhelpful conflict between partners, families and friends which affects individual as well as family wellbeing. 

This year, the Cost of Living Crisis is compounding the pressures, which people feel every year and this is playing out in the Relate NI counselling rooms where parents are worried about what they can deliver for their children, who are in turn worried about how their Christmas might look and how it might compare to their friends and peers.  

Duane Farrell, Relate NI CEO, said:  “Over the last number of months, our counsellors have been highlighting that people’s relationships are under pressure like never before and if we don’t take steps to Relieve the Pressure then it can affect our emotional and mental wellbeing well into the New Year.

“While it may be difficult for families to find any ways to increase income or reduce costs, what we can do is communicate effectively and manage expectations.

Don’t his the wall this Christmas if your relationship is under pressure. Talk to Relate NI.

“This week Relate NI launched a campaign to support families unlock the protective power of healthy family relationships.

Relieve the Pressure provides people with tools and tips to be able to navigate yet another challenging festive season for families in Northern Ireland.  

“This year we are telling people to think about what will be possible this Christmas around gifting and socialising, and to be up front with their loved ones about this.” 

“These can be difficult conversations to have, especially with our children or friends and family that we may only see once a year, but it can also help drive deeper emotional connection.” 

“Children are aware of the issues and they may actually be relieved to hear that there will still be some sort of festivities, even if it is not what they may have come to expect in other years.” 

“As part of the campaign, our expert counselling team and partner organisations have developed a range of resources on our website that can help you navigate these important conversations in order to Relieve the Pressure.” 

“We also have videos and written resources with activities for children, alternative gift ideas and tips on how to manage fights over finances and combat loneliness.

“Our expert counselling team are also on hand to support you at this time.” 

“So if you are feeling under pressure? We can Relate. 

Let us support you to Relieve the Pressure now.”