Public Consultation Open For Newry City Park

Have Your Say at Public Consultation Event Organised for Newry City Park

There will be a public consultation seeking views of people in relation to the proposed Newry City Park.

Newry Leisure Centre will host the pre-application, public consultation event for the Newry City Park project on Thursday 29 August between 3pm and 9pm.

Hosted by Tetra Tech Consulting (NI), the event will provide an opportunity to talk to the designers and ask questions about the project. A comment box facility will also be provided.

An ariel view of the proposed Newry City Park.

For those who cannot attend on 29 August, information will be made available from 3pm that day on the Council’s website (, with the opportunity to email comments on the plans until 5pm on Friday 27 September.

Physical information stands and comment boxes will also be available from 30 August to 27 September at Newry Leisure Centre, as well as at Kilkeel Leisure Centre, the Newcastle Centre and the Council’s Downshire Civic Centre building during normal opening hours.

The proposed park in Newry will have an entertainments facility.
A proposed stand for public performances at Newry City Park.

Newry Mourne and Down District Council Chairperson, Cllr Pete Byrne said: “I would encourage as many of you as possible to find out more about the Newry City Park project and to make your views known through this public consultation process.

“This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity for our city and, alongside our partners, we’re committed to delivering a park of which Newry can be proud.”

Newry Mourne and Down District Council’s Outline Business Case (OBC) for Newry City Park was approved by the Department for Communities and a Contract for Funding issued in December 2023 — opening access to £16.2 million from the Executive’s City/Growth Deal Complementary fund.

The Council is providing £2.4 million of match funding to deliver the 15-acre City Park.