Every road leads somewhere, but the road to Dundrum Castle has just led to confusion as to who owns it.
Alliance Councillor Patrick Clarke has welcomed a written response from the Minister of the Environment Mark H Durkin regarding resolving the ownership mystery of Castlehill Road in Dundrum which leads to Dundrum Castle.
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Councillor Clarke had written to the Minister voicing his concern in relation to Castlehill Road, Dundrum, which is unadopted and the only access road leading directly to Dundrum Castle. It is presently not inspected or maintained by the Roads Service.
“For many years Castlehill Road has never been adopted by Roads Service and has not been inspected or maintained,” explained Councillor Patrick Clarke. “Despite previous written representations by myself to the Minister of Regional Development and Roads Service regarding adopting Castlehill Road, I have been advised that unless the existing Castlehill Road is brought up to an acceptable standard Roads Service will not adopt and maintain Castlehill Road.
“In September I wrote to the Minister of the Environment outlining my concerns that future works at Dundrum Castle which will include, flood lighting, and a proposed visitor centre will increase both pedestrian and traffic follow including tour buses and coaches along Castlehill Road.”
“The Minister of the Environment has advised me that the Northern Ireland Environmental Agency (NIEA) is also very keen to resolve the road ownership mystery issue and accepts that the development of a visitor centre, flood lighting and increasing the visibility of the Castle are likely to increase the traffic using Castlehill Road.
“I welcome that the Minister of the Environment has urged his officials to continue to research the ownership mystery of Castlehill Road leading to Dundrum Castle. Should the road ownership issue be resolved and owners agree to the upgrading and adoption of the road I am advised that the NIEA will still have to secure funding for the works required by Roads Service to bring the road up to adoption standard.”