NSPCC Speaks Out Ahead Of Anti-Bullying Week

Childline is there for children who are facing bullying, online, at school or in their family or social lives.

Childline is there for children who are facing bullying, online, at school or in their family and social lives.

A letter from the NSPCC in advance of Anti-Bullying Week coming soon.

Dear Editor,

Mairead Monds, NSPCC Team Leader (Photo by Press Eye/Darren Kidd).

Bullying is an issue that has always affected children and since Childline began 35 years ago, thousands of young people have turned to the service to share their experiences of bullying.

Over the past 18 months, due to the coronavirus pandemic, the landscape of bullying has changed.

Some young people have had respite from the bullying they experienced in person due to the numerous lockdowns, meaning they were out of school and away from the children who had previously picked on them for months on end.

For others, the bullying transferred online, and we know for many this felt inescapable and overwhelming due to the increased amount of time children were spending online for their education, to keep in touch with friends and family and to stay entertained.

For many who were struggling with this issue, Childline was the only place that they felt they could turn to.

As we move out of the pandemic, it remains essential that all children know where they can turn to for support.

This Anti Bullying week, we want to remind children that Childline is here for them and that they don’t have to deal with this issue alone.

All children can call Childline on 0800 1111 or visit online at:

 childline.org.uk .

No worry is ever too small.

Your sincerely,

Mairead Monds

Team Manager

Childline Northern Ireland.