NI Executive Stands United With Call To End Racism

Statement from the Executive on back of racism attacks in Northern Ireland

Following the civil disturbances in Belfast and across Northern Ireland the NI Executive has released a statement calling for an end to racist behaviour.

A spokesperson said: “As an Executive, we stand united in our call for an end to the violence, disorder and racist attacks.

“All criminality will be addressed with a zero-tolerance approach. We all see the devastating impact these attacks have had on victims, their families and our communities.

“hose involved in violence, intimidation, in causing chaos and destruction, will be dealt with by the full force of the law.

The NI Executive has said it will bring out a new strategy to tackle racism.

“People are entitled to take part in peaceful protests and to raise concerns, but there is no justification for racism in any form or for acts of violence and destruction.

“We welcome the briefing from the Chief Constable, Jon Boutcher. The PSNI have our full support.

“We acknowledge the challenges facing the PSNI and the request for additional funding to help them meet the demands on their officers.

“We will be working across our departments and agencies in our response and we will continue to press the Treasury for fair funding to deliver the best possible public services.

“It is important that we recognise the significant and positive contribution of minority ethnic people within our health service, economic, public, political, social, and cultural life.

“Everyone who lives here deserves to be part of and benefit from a fair and inclusive society where everyone is made to feel safe and welcome.”

The spokesperson added that the NI Executive is committed to eliminating racial inequality and will be bringing forward the new Racial Equality Strategy.