Newry Mourne And Down District Council Opens Book Of Condolence For Paris Massacre

People in Newry, Mourne and Down District can express their condolences for the many lives lost in the Paris terrorist attacks on Friday 13 November 2015 by signing a book of condolence.

The Books of Condolence are located at the Council’s Downpatrick Office, Downshire Civic Centre, Ardglass Road; Newry Office, Monaghan Row; Down Arts Centre, Downpatrick; and Newry Town Hall. The books will be available for signing during opening hours.

[caption id="attachment_59966" align="aligncenter" width="540"]The Chairperson of Newry Mourne and Down District Council, Councillor Naomi Bailie, signs the book of condolances for the Paris massacre in the Down Arts Centre in Downpatrick accompanied by Assistant Chief Executive, Eddie Curtis. The Chairperson of Newry Mourne and Down District Council, Councillor Naomi Bailie, signs the book of condolence for the Paris massacre in the Down Arts Centre in Downpatrick accompanied by Assistant Chief Executive, Eddie Curtis.[/caption]

On Monday 16 November, Newry, Mourne and Down District Council Chairperson, Councillor Naomi Bailie was first to sign the book and said: “The opening of these Books of Condolence will allow the good people of our region to send their solidarity and best wishes to the people of Paris.

“I offer my condolences to the French people and the family and friends of all those who have lost their lives. I also ask that people do not forget all the many other injustices which occur across the world on a daily basis, and often go unreported. People persecuted in Lebanon, Palestine and Kenya are also in our thoughts and prayers. Ireland has a role to play in working to achieve a peaceful resolution in war-torn countries.”

[caption id="attachment_60008" align="alignleft" width="390"]James Savage from Killyleagh about to sign the Book of Condolence. James Savage from Killyleagh about to sign the Book of Condolence.[/caption]

James Savage, from Killyleagh, a pupil at Down High School in Downpatrick, suggested to council officers that a book of condolence should be set up. Within a short time the official had agreed that thsi was an appopriate response to the Paris killings where 132 have to date lost their lives with over a hundred injured, some seriously, when Isis gunmen ran amok in the centre of Paris killing people at a rock concert, at two restaurants and Isis martyrs self-detonating outside a football stadium where France was playing Germany.

James said: “I was watching the reports of the Paris massacre on TV and heard that Belfast City Counil had opened up a book of condolance. I thought this would be an excellent idea to convey to have a book to convey the thoughts and feelings and condolances feelings of the people in the area, so I contacted local councillors Terry Andrews and Billy Walker and they agreed and suggested I  contact the Council Chief Executive Liam Hannaway. Talking to the Council Chair Councillor Naomi Bailie, he decided to go ahead and set this up. In Downpatrick, the book can be signed at the Down Arts Centre or the Downshire Civic Centre.”
