Newcastle Car Parks Need Litter Bins Says Cllr Clarke

Sinn Féin Cllr Willie Clarke Calls for Installation of Litter Bins in Newcastle Car Parks

Sinn Féin Mourne’s Councillor Willie Clarke has issued a call for the installation of litter bins in the Donard overflow and the Blackrock car parks in Newcastle.

Speaking after complaints from local residents, Cllr CVlarke said: “The car parks are in need of general maintenance.

Cllr Willie Clarke is calling for the installation of litter bins at car parks in Newcastle.

“This includes the installation of litter bins at these locations. Unfortunately on a regular basis, litter is strewn all over the car parks.”

Cllr Clarke emphasised the importance of maintaining the car parks to a high standard, as they often provide a visitor’s first experience of an area.

He added: “The quality of not only parking provision but also information and other facilities can influence whether visitors feel welcome, enjoy their stay, and leave with a positive or negative impression about the our coastal area.”