028) 9260 2204. Access is by the normal Emergency Department entrance at the front of the hospital. “In the event of a serious medical emergency, patients should telephone 999 for an ambulance, as normal. The ambulance will go directly to the Ulster Hospital or other appropriate hospital. In the event of a sick child, again phone the GP Out of Hours number. If the child is seriously ill, he or she may be transferred to hospital in Belfast, as happens at present. [caption id="attachment_25677" align="alignleft" width="400" caption="The introduction of a GP Out of Hours Service from 10pm-8am at the Downe A&E has led to some patients inadvertently travelling up to the Ulster Hospital."][/caption] “If a medical patient requires admission to hospital, this will be arranged by the doctors staffing the Out of Hours service. If anyone is unsure what to do, please phone the GP Out of Hours service for advice at the number above. “Recently, a number of patients have been attending the Accident & Emergency Department at the Ulster Hospital after 10pm for injuries and conditions that can be treated at the Downe. In order to prevent unnecessary delays, it is therefore important that patients who do not have a serious medical emergency make contact with the GP Out of Hours Service at the number above. “The new arrangements for accessing emergency care within the Downe Hospital at night-time have now been in place for the past three months and these arrangements have been working very well. The Trust is keen to ensure that the vast majority of local needs can be met through the local Downe Hospital and we would encourage people to make contact with the GP Out of Hours Service to discuss options for care. “Our experience has shown that, with the exception of 999 emergencies, the majority of care can indeed be provided at night-time by the excellent GP Out of Hours Service. The strong clinical network with the Ulster Hospital continues to be in place.”]]>