Meadow / Armagh Rd Community Group Deliver Packages to Vulnerable in the Community.
The Meadow and Armagh road Community Association in Newry City is one of the many organisations helping the needy in the Covid-19 epidemic.
They have packed up over 100 bags to be delivered to the most vulnerable in their community with over 300 bags of groceries delivered to date.

needy people in the Newry area.
Speaking to Down News, the Association spokesperson said: “The area that our group covers is about 600 houses. We met up a few weeks back and decided to set up our own community food bank run by local volunteers. The group’s aims to help the most vulnerable run errands collect prescriptions and help with groceries etc. Something that a vulnerable person is unable to do in a time of crisis.
“The group has received lottery funding to help these vulnerable people with fuel and electricity etc. We even have help from St Vincent de Paul who donate fresh fruit and we also receive donations from local businesses that are very willing to help.
“It is extremely rewarding when we deliver much needed groceries to someone vulnerable and it has built up a great community spirit within our association. However we believe that this situation may go on for a few more weeks and therefore we are more than willing to help and keep going. This will go on for the foreseeable future and for as long as it is needed within the community.”