McGrath Welcomes Irish Street Development Progress

Colin McGrath MLA has welcomed the progress on Irish Street in Downpatrick

SDLP South Down MLA Colin McGrath MLA has welcomed the next step in the redevelopment of Downpatrick’s Irish Street with the commencement of removal of the premises at No.39 which presented a hazzard issue.

Commenting, the South Down Assemblyman has said: “Having been working with the Council and Department for Communities on this project for a number of years now, I was delighted to hear that contractors are now on site and removing No.39 Irish Street which is situated beside the old police station. 

South Down MLA Colin McGrath is delighted that progress is now shaping up in Irish Street.

“The department has confirmed to me that once this building is removed, this will finally allow for the resurfacing of Irish Street, which will be another significant step to the redevelopment of this area.

“I understand that plans are being drawn up and designed for the strategic masterplan which will be ready to publish in the coming weeks.

“This will really set out the vision for what this area can be and how integral it is to the revitalisation of our town centre. 

“This is a moment which requires everyone in our town to pull together.

The scene in Irish Street in Downpatrick as No 59 is being carefully demolished (to the left). (Photo by Jim Masson / Down News).

“Our town has been through so much in such a short space of time, that has seen it devastated.

“We know what we are capable of and what we need to see. It will only be through our collective effort that we see the long-term revitalisation of Downpatrick achieved.”

Colin McGrath added: “In the meantime I will also be working to address the Department for Infrastructure’s recent information night on the solution to the floods.

“Traders and residents cannot be left to face another autumn of possible flooding while the Department draws up proposals that will not be implemented for another number of years.

“The revitalisation of our town requires the flooding to be addressed, so we need this delivered as quickly as possible.”