South Down MLA Colin McGrath (SDLP) has said the walkway to the side of Newcastle library which runs alongside the Shimna River must be secured to prevent accidents from happening.

Commenting, the South Down MLA said: ‘This area is literally a death-trap. With cracks and parts of the walkway missing there are sections of the path so vulnerable I’m surprised they haven’t been washed away by a high tide.
“I have contacted Council and Transport NI to urgently assess land ownership to ensure the correct authority is informed to enable emergency works to be carried out.
“I will also call for the area to be secured and access restricted until the works are completed in the interest of public safety.
Local Mourne’s Councillor Laura Devlin added: ‘With Newcastle being such an important place for tourists and locals it is essential that public areas are safe for people to use. We expect a significant upsurge of visitors soon to Newcastle so the sooner these repairs are done the better.”