Recently co-opted Slieve Croob Sinn Féin Councillor Roisin Howell has spoken about her excitement at the prospect of a new Scéim Sparántachtaí na Gaeilge/ Irish Language bursary scheme which has been proposed by the Irish Language Strategy Implementation Working Group, and has passed the first, committee stage of Strategy, Policy and Resources.
Cllr Howell said: “The proposed Bursary Scheme will have a budget of £30,000, with bursaries of up to £300 available to citizens of Newry, Mourne and Down to help with the cost of attending Irish language courses, including Gaeltacht courses, a scheme which will benefit hundreds of citizens in our District.
“The Irish Language Working Group felt that the best way to promote the Irish language was to support people who were trying to further their knowledge of it.
“Young people attend Gaeltacht courses in Donegal each summer, and that by providing these bursaries, the financial burden often placed on parents, will be partially alleviated.”
Cllr Howell explained that the Scheme still had to pass through full Council at the start of March, but that it was expected that the Scéim Sparántachtaí na Gaeilge/ Irish Language bursary scheme will be launched during Seachtain na Gaeilge.
Also, Cllr Howell praised the efforts of the Irish Language Strategy Implementation Working Group who work diligently to promote the Irish language at all times.