Experience the Dawn Chorus Bird Song in Glasswater Wood, Crossgar
The Woodland Trust invites you to discover the natural music of Glasswater Wood near Crossgar during a guided Spring Bird Walk on Saturday 6th April 2019.

The dawn chorus is one of the best-known, most recognisable and earliest signs of spring. It occurs every spring morning, when male birds sing to attract a mate and defend their breeding territory. This daily routine makes for a magical experience.
So why not join the walk and let expert birder Dot Blakely take you on a guided walk around the beautiful Glasswater Wood to identify and enjoy the sounds of native birds such as robins and skylarks who are joined by summer migrants, including blackcaps and chiffchaffs.
Once the sun has risen and the birds begin to hush, savour a fresh open-air breakfast with your fellow bird enthusiasts. This enchanting start to your weekend is one not to be missed.
The walk will commence at 5.30am to make the most of the dawn bird activity and will last until approximately 7am. Walkers are advised to dress appropriately for the weather and activity, as it may be muddy and cold.
Tickets must be purchased in advance and are priced at £5 per adult and £3 per child. These can be purchased online via the woodland trust website: https://woodlandtrusttickets.cloudvenue.co.uk/glasswaterdawn