Fight For Ardglass Pavement Extension Continues

Campaign continues to secure a pavement near Ardglass

Campaign continues to secure a pavement near Ardglass

South Down MLA Patrick Brown has supported the long-standing campaign in Ardglass to have the pavements to the Four Roads crossroads joined up to make a safe pathway. 

He said “The Department of Infrastructure Minister has announced an initiative where his department will turbo-charge safe routes and Greenways currently subject to lack-lustre roll-out by Sustatrans and Councils.

“I will seek the Ardglass project to be prioritized.

“Residents in Ardglass are seeking the pavements leading from Ardglass to the entrance of Lenaghan’s Farm and from the Four Roads at the Crewe Road out towards the Ballee junction to be linked. The call for a safe pathway has been ongoing for many years to create safe walking loops. There is just a relatively small part now to complete.

Cllr Cadogan Enright pictured with South Down MLA Patrick Brown at the point where the pavement stops beside the Crew Road junction outside Ardglass.

“There is a shorter excellent walk from Ardglass around Coney island, and also a longer 10K walk out the Ross Road off the Crewe Road. The pavement issue needs to be addressed as soon as possible.”

Downpatrick Councillor Cadogan Enright indicated “Ardglass man Jim Masson proposed improvements to this route at our Downatrick District Electoral Area meeting at the start of this summer.

“It is one of the longest outstanding requests from Lecale residents. I will be supporting Jim’s idea that our DEA apply for funding under the new DfI initiative on Greenways.

“This will help create a circular village walkway off the Ulster Way around Ardglass using the Crew Road and allow DfI Minister O’Dowd’s initiative with Sustrans with the Council to be applied to our area.”

Jim Masson said: “Over the years I have been involved in a number of initiatives. I am currently a business member of the Downpatrick District Electoral Area Forum.

“I raised this matter hoping we finally get over the line on it. I know Cllr Dermot Curran also supports it as he has also tried for many years to get the pavement built.

“I have seen many near misses on this very dangerous part of the Downpatrick-Ardglass road. It is a straight part of the road and traffic including articulated lorries fly along this road.

“My first role in community work many years ago was acting as minutes secretary for the Portlethen Community Association in Scotland. I cut my teeth there.

“We had campaigned for two years for road safety measures at a dangerous crossing on a very busy road. On Christmas eve 1977 the crossing patrol person was killed by a speeding van. Within a short time a walk over was constructed.

“It was too late for the one grieving family who lived beside me then. I therefore don’t want to see a fatality happening before someone decides to act. That will be too late. We have the opportunity now to do something about this.

“The stretch of road between Ardglass and the Four Roads is used extensively in the summer months by pedestrians (from the Coney Island Caravan park mainly), and by walkers, cyclists and runners. I have seen mother’s having to lift their children’s prams up onto the verge as traffic sped by.

“We need joined up action now and results before the worst happens. I welcome all the political support for this important cause.”