Feedwell Dog Food Gets Endorsement At Irish Retriever Championship

A County Down dog food company, Feedwell, is celebrating a huge win in the Irish Retriever Championship.

The Castlewellan-based dog food manfacturer claimed a huge endorsement for the quality of their food produced locally through a dog being fed from a puppy on their food winning the Irish Kennel Club’s Retriever championship.

The dog , a two year old bitch, FTCH Shimnavale Jasmine of Drumnamoe, is owned and handled by John Barr Jnr from Lurgan. John and his father John Barr Snr who also won the championships in 1984 feed all of their dogs on Feedwell products.

The dog has another local connection in that it was bred by Richard Johnston from Crossgar who ironically was runner-up this year in the Irish Retriever Championship with his entry.

John Barr from Lurgan who fed his dog on Feedwell’s dog food products from a pup has won the Irish Retriever Championship.