East Down AC Notes For 9th September 2022

Catherine Heads List For International Cross Country Selection

Catherine Heads List For International Cross Country Selection

East Down runners made their mark in striking fashion on Saturday at Queen’s when Catherine O’Connor ran the race of her life to win the 35 -39 Age writes Joe Quinn.

This ensured her selection for the NI Team in the British Cross Country Championships in November.

Catherine O’ Connor  1st {851} battles with Kelly Neeley 2nd {849} ahead of eventual 3rd placed runner No 119.

Not only did she win her age category but her time was the fastest of the day overall.

Catherine applied the wait-and-see strategy settling in behind a group of 3-4 leaders and then as the winning line came into view she sprinted away from the others to cross the line in 22.20, 2 seconds clear of Lisburn’s Kelly Neely with the fast finishing Seapark runner Elisoa Crawford taking 3rd place in 22.28.

This must rank as Catherine’s best ever performance, taking the scalp of established international Neely.

Martin Also Throws His Hat In The Ring

Martin Willcox (797) makes his way towards the finish line.

A little later Martin Willcox played his usual game in his longer race, starting steadily and picking off those in front, coming home strongly to take 5th place in his 50 -54 age category.

With the top 5 runners usually selected for the International, he has high hopes of making the team again.

Well done to both and everyone wishes them well in their aspirations to represent NI in the British championships.