Downpatrick Lions Donate £1000 to SDZ0000

Downpatrick Lions Club members have continued their sterling charity work and have presented a cheque for £1,000 to Downpatrick Suicide Down to Zero.

The money was raised during a recent street collection and quiz night organised by the Lions Club and handed over to Suicide Down to Zero (SDZ0000) co-founder and Secretary Pat McGreevy along with David Smith (Chair) and Joe Canavan (Board Member).

Downpatrick Lions Fergus Kelly, Brendan Kearney, David Smith, Joe Canavan and Lion President Sean Carvill with Pat McGreevy, SDZ0000 secretary, second left.

Pat McGreevy said: “The funds will go a long way to financing the training of suicide first-aiders and first-responders for SDZ0000, and identify those who are at risk.

“We are also engaged in lobbying at both local and governmental level for greater awareness and funding for this under-resourced and vulnerable section of society.

“If you or someone you know is in distress or despair, contact Lifeline which is there to help on 0808 808 8000,24 hours a day, seven days a week. Or contact David Smith on 07852 931845.have continued their