Local residents will have the opportunity to get a personal health check, join in a community meal, and have their say on how health in their area could be improved in Ardglass and Downpatrick on Friday 10 March and Saturday 11 March.
Organised by Downpatrick District Electoral Area (DEA) Forum and County Down Rural Community Network (CDRCN), health checks at the Ardglass event on Friday 10 March will be provided by Farm Families Health Checks at Ardglass Community Centre in High Street.
Members of the area’s fishing community who find it difficult to get to the doctor are particularly encouraged to attend for a health checkup.
To book your appointment now, contact 028 2563 5573. Drop in sessions are also available in Ardglass.

Breast screening and MOT health checks for men and women respectively (over 16’s) can be booked for Saturday 11 March at the Ballymote Community and Business Centre, Downpatrick, where the Action Cancer Big Bus will be available.
Book your appointment now online at:
or call 028 9080 3344.
Both events will also be supported by a range of organisations helping to develop healthy lives including the Newry and Mourne Citizens Advice, Down Community Transport, Farm Safety, Lifeline as well as local complementary health providers.
Everyone attending will be able to join in a community meal promoting healthy eating and the only cost is participation in a community discussion to find out people’s ideas on how to improve health in the area.
Downpatrick DEA Forum, County Down Rural Community Network and all organisations involved look forward to seeing you in Ardglass and Downpatrick.