MARA, Maximising Access to Services, Grants and Benefits in rural areas, is finally closing on June 2016.
Have you had your free home assessment?
Would you like to improve your home comfort, financial income, or reduce your heating costs?
You can do this by contacting the MARA project officer who will visit you at your home or a venue of your choice to complete a confidential questionnaire which is then linked to the relevant services – these bodies will in turn contact you IF you are eligible for assistance.
What can you be referred for?
* boiler replacement grants up to $1000.
* Power NI Cavity insulation.
* Home safety check.
* Â Community transport.
* Smart Pass.
* Benefit update – you may be entitle dot more money!
* Occupational therapy home assessments.
* Social services assessments.
* Range of other local services.
To arrange a home visit (at a venue of your choice), contact:
Nuala (Downpatrick office) : 028 44 612311.
Wendy (Newtownards office) : 028 91828884.
So don’t miss the opportunity to make a difference to your life. Give Nuala or Wendy a call, and they will advise you on the steps you have to take.