Come And Enjoy Kaylee’s Kidzone In Downpatrick

Fun for all the family and kids in the centre of Downpatrick at Kaylee’s Kidzone

Located in the centre of Downpatrick, Kaylee’s Kidzone is a fantastic treasure of fun and games for young children.

It’s a place for families to engage with their children and as we head into the autumn and winter days when the weather may not be the best, there is always plenty of stimulating and imaginative fun and games on hand.

Just a short distance from easy parking around Market Street, why not call in and let the kids loose for a while during the 90 minute sessions and enjoy a coffee and a bun while they explore the many activity areas.

Lisa McMullan from Saul who runs the Kaylee’s Kidzone said: “We got the keys for the premises in September last year and opened up. Now we have just celebrated our first anniversary.

The main play area at Kaylee’s Kidzone.

“Initially everything was going well for a couple of weeks but the flood at Halloween last year wrecked our plans completely. Like many other businesses in the centre of Downpatrick we faced an uncertain time.

“But we weathered the storm. Although we were not flooded out, we were in the flood area and the street was flooded along with our foyer and the bottom of the stairs leading upstairs to the Kidzone area.

“We eventually got the foyer cleared out but our business had been disrupted badly. I’m sure the many businesses in the town were facing difficult times including those not directly flooded.

Lisa McMullan from Saul with Kirsten, Darryl and Nikki at Kaylee’s Kidzone in Downpatrick.

“Kaylee’s Kidzone is a large unit covering the same area of four of the ground floor shops on the first floor. And there is a lift access to the first floor for anyone who requires help with mobility.

“We are now up and running again and looking forward to providing something different for local parents in the Downpatrick area for their children. We’ve still some more work to do but that will be on-going.

“Play is important for every child’s development. They develop social relationships, and various mental oncepts about the world in their voyage into life and self-discovery.

The arts and crafts room.

“There are lots of activities that the children can lose themselves in such as the Play Town, the activity room, a music space and there is a sensory room for those who require a quieter environment.

“This sensory room may suit children with autism and similar health issues.”

The main area is divided up into a Play Town and there is a garage, shop, doctor’s surgery, a vet, a hairdresser and other activity areas for the children to engage with, all under the watchful eye of their parents and Lisa and her helpers.

In the hairdresser’s at Kaylee’s Kidzone are Nikki and Kirsten.

Looking ahead Lisa said she will be running a coffee morning for the SANDS charity later in October the annual awarenesss week and fundraising events. And there will be more seasonal fun as Halloween and Christmas approaches.

Lisa explained that she can also provide space for birthday parties and can run these up to two hours. With sufficient numbers and pre booking, Lisa added that a bespoke package could be arranged where the whole facility could be hired out for the birthday party.

The usual session for children playing is for 90 minutes at a time.

Kirsten, Darryl and Nikki in the fire engine.

Also, Lisa explained that she is always on hand to help out the parents and the children. So to give your child an extra treat each week why not drop in to Kaylee’s Kidzone for a 90 minute session.

Kaylee’s Kidzone is open from: 10am-4pm daily.

For further inquiries, phone: 07940021646 or call in and chat to Lisa.

LOCATION: Kaylee’s Kidzone, Unit 10/11 Market House, Market Street Downpatrick.

Check Kaylee’s Kidzone out on Facebook and Instagram.