Clarke Calls For Council To Assess Burrendale Playpark

Cllr Wille Clarke has called on NMD Council to clean up the playpark at Burrendale Park in Newcastle

Sinn Féin Mournes Councillor Willie Clarke has called on Newry Mourne and Down Council to take immediate action to address a number of defects at the Burrendale Park play-Newcastle.

Cllr Clarke said: “Local residents are frustrated with the Council for allowing the play-park to deteriorate so much.

Cllr Willie Clarke is calling on NMD Council to clear up debris in the Burrendale Park playpark in Newcastle and ensure it is safe for children to play in.

“The number of residents I have spoken with in relation to the play-park have expressed concerns about the damage to the play surface and the litter in the area. It is important that a cleansing schedule is put in place.”

Cllr Clarke has raised these issues with the relevant Council department and has requested that improvement works to the surface area be prioritised.

He added: “It is totally unacceptable to expect children to play in the play park in its current condition. I have requested that the play park and the surrounding area be cleansed and the defects repaired as a matter of urgency.

Cllr Clarke emphasised the importance of maintaining safe and clean play areas for children and urged the Council to act swiftly to ensure the play-park is restored to a suitable condition for use by the community.