Ceili And Craic Starts At The Rostrevor Festival
Come along and enjoy the Ceili & Craic event in Rostrevor at the start of the Fiddler’s Green Festival and on dates through the rest of the summer.
Experience and enjoy our popular ‘Ceili & Craic in the Mournes’ experience which takes you on a journey through the mists of time and human history in the mediums of music and song, and story-telling and ‘the craic’.

And you can hear first hand about days gone by and even learn how to play the bones! You’ll earn about old traditions and perhaps partake in the dangers of the ‘devil’s buttermilk’ through the evening!
There will be laughter and possibly a few tears… and even a few tears of laughter !!

The line-up of events for July and August for Tumbling Paddy and the Ceili and Craic is:
26 July, Rostrevor Inn – FIDDLERS GREEN FESTIVAL.
19 August, Denvir’s Hotel, Downpatrick – LUNASA FESTIVAL.
20 August, Hannah’s Close, Kilkeel – LUNASA FESTIVAL
21 August, Slieve Donard Hotel, Newcastle – LUNASA FESTIVAL
26 August, Tipsy Cow, Hilltown – BACK FROM THE BOLEY
TO BOOK, or check the links below for more information, go to:
Website: https://www.tumblingpaddy.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tumblingpaddy