Division 2 Senior League Final on Sunday past. But due to the inclement weather and poor underfoot conditions the match was postponed. The rescheduled Final is due to be played this Friday Night in Newcastle under flood lights with a 7.30pm throw-in writes Michael McClean.
It did not stop the talented band of club Master Chefs serving up a treat for the players and management. Head Chef “Barney “Ramsey” Cunningham ably assisted by Kevin “Oliver” Sweeney and Miceal “Worral-Thompson” Crilly are to be credited for their cooking skills. Thank you to all those committee members and club members who assisted through Saturday Night and Sunday afternoon. Again good luck to all the boys who deserve a big support this Friday Night to cheer them on.
[caption id="attachment_31068" align="alignleft" width="400" caption="Castlewellan runner Neil McVeigh comes in first for the Town runners during the Gr8 run in Dundrum."][/caption]
On Sunday past four out of five of New Zealand’s terrestrial TV stations showed the Rugby World Cup Final to a Rugby mad nation. On their 5th channel was Jaws 2-The Revenge. If you ever saw John Kelly running they say he moves like a great white shark, clinically chewing up the ground of his fellow competitors. On Saturday at the Gr8t Dundrum Run he competed alongside our other club runners in a 650 strong field. John our first runner home came in at 19th place in what was a fantastic performance. All our runners performed with great credit and we congratulate them all in their efforts. The Running Club will continue with their runs on Tuesday and Thursday night’s meeting at the club at 6.45pm and driving to Newcastle where they will commence their runs.
The Under-21 league will be starting at the end of the month. Training will start this Wednesday Night at 7.30pm sharp at the Bann Road complex.
All New F Factor is coming soon. More details to follow. Anyone interested in entering a team or solo artist please contact Cillian Keaveney, Brian Dougherty or Ronan King.
There will be an 80’s Disco in the Club this Friday night in aid of raising club funds. The disco will commence at 10.00pm. So come along and enjoy a good night’s craic and give your club support it needs.
There will be also be a Halloween Children’s party in the Club on Sunday 30th October from 3.00pm to 5.00pm. This is also in aid of raising funds for all our Juvenile teams.
Scor time is upon us again. Anyone interested in competing in any of the competitions please contact Ciara Pickering as soon as possible.
There are still some outstanding sponsored walk monies to be left into the club. Could all members still holding any returns please pass them to any committee member as soon as possible.
What have you in your wardrobes? You may have a bag of unwanted clothes. This could help boost your club funds. So go on have a good hoke around this weekend. If you have anything please let Noreen Keown know and we will happily relieve you of your glad rags.
Another reminder that the Club Annual General Meeting will take place on Thursday 24 November at 7.30pm in the club rooms. Nomination forms will be available from behind the bar or by e-mail. Please contact the Secretary at secretary.castlewellan.down@gaa.ie
This week’s lotto numbers were 4, 13, 23 & 27. There was no jackpot winner and three £20 winners. They were Kevin Sweeney, Brigid Toner and Gerard Rice. Jackpot next week £7350.]]>