On the Bait Pond Daniel Maciej from Ballymena caught four for 8lbs 8oz. Robert King from Lisburn had four for 9lbs. Michael McCartney had two for 4lbs 8oz and Blair Gibson from Newtownards had two for 4lbs 4oz. From the Lake, Peter Quinn from Belfast caught ten for 12lbs. Gareth Crooks and John McCaughey from Belfast each released six. Alan Miskimmons and David Holmes from Raffrey each caught three weighing 4lb and 3lb 4oz respectively. Brian and Mason Harris from Dundonald each caught three for 4lb. Family tickets remain popular. The Nelson family from Belfast had an enjoyable day and went home with seven fish and the Elliott family from Hillsborough took home five fish. For further information contact 028 97510654 / 07787 853903 or visit the web-site at www.carrickmannon.com E-mail carrickmannonfishery@btinternet.com]]>