Find Employment at Newry Mourne and Down Job Fair
Job seekers will soon be able to engage with up to 60 local businesses across a wide range of sectors at this year’s Newry, Mourne and Down (NMD) Job Fair on Friday 24 May in the Canal Court Hotel, Newry.
This is the third year that Newry, Mourne and Down Labour Market Partnership will host the NMD Job Fair, which was established to help local employers and job seekers to network and connect.
Labour Market Partnerships, which create targeted employment action plans for council areas, are funded by the Department for Communities and allow for collaboration at local and regional level to support people towards and into work.
Attending the Job Fair will be a great way of meeting face to face with employers who have current vacancies across a wide range of sectors.

This includes areas such as manufacturing; professional services; finance; hospitality; transport; and many more.
Vacancies range from full-time to part-time, and flexible and casual roles, with global, local and family-owned businesses.
Launching the NMD Job Fair at Canal Court Hotel, Newry Mourne and Down District Council Chairperson, Councillor Valerie Harte, said: “This is a great place to work and live.
“The Job fair presents an exciting opportunity for job seekers to meet a wide range of local employers who currently have job openings.
“Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and find out more about their options such as apprenticeships, vacancies and graduate programmes.
“Attendees can also avail of one-on-one support and advice on finding a job, writing a CV, and preparing for interview from local support agencies including the NI Careers Service; Clanrye Group and local Further Education Colleges.
“If you are job hunting, contemplating a career change, or simply would like to discuss your career path with experts, then come along to Canal Court Hotel on Friday 24 May.”
On the day, Newry Mourne and Down Labour Market Partnership will have an information stand to promote initiatives available to help people secure jobs, as well as to support businesses with their recruitment, employment, and training needs.
Job seekers are encouraged to bring copies of an up-to-date CV to provide to employers.
The NMD Job Fair is free to attend on a drop-in basis from 10.30am to 3pm in Canal Court Hotel, Newry on Friday 24 May 2024.