ASDA Downpatrick Duo Help Brighten Up People’s Lives

Asda Downpatrick Duo are Bloomin’ Brilliant

Asda Downpatrick Front End Colleagues, Roisin George and Frances Gilmore, are always looking at ways to help their local community, from buying flowers for the local church to buying food for the local foodbank.

The pair regularly buy fresh flowers from the Asda store for the local St Joseph’s Church in the village of Killough, where both ladies live. 

Recently, as the flowers didn’t need changed, they decided to use their flower funds to buy food for the local Fountain Foodbank instead.

Roisin, who has worked at the store for 18 years, said: “We like to give back to our local community and the flowers here are always lovely and fresh. As soon as they come in, I run in and have a nosey.

Roisin George and Frances Gilmore who are Front End Colleagues at ASDA Downpatrick taking the time to help brighten up lives.

“We like to get them for our local church, St Joseph’s Church in Killough, once a month and for special occasions so we can decorate the altar and dress the statues.

“It really helps to brighten up the place and brings a bit of extra joy.”

Roisin and Frances attend church every week and devote their time to praying for those around her.

Roisin added: “Each week we say prayers for anyone who’s sick, especially for any elderly customers who aren’t well.

“We had the team in from the Fountain Foodbank recently and heard that people are really struggling, especially the young ones, so as we didn’t need flowers, we thought we’d fill a couple of trolleys full of essentials for the foodbank.”

Asda Downpatrick Community Champion, Linda Owens, said: “Roisin and Frances are always thinking of others and their kindness has no limits.

“They are always asking our produce guys for the best of the bunch when they are buying the flowers, but we, the Asda Downpatrick colleagues, believe that Roisin and Frances are the best of our bunch.

“We’re so proud to have people like Roisin and Frances as part of our team, really making a difference to the local community.”