Armstrong Says Support Global Intergenerational Week

Global Intergenerational Week returns 24–30th April 2024

Strangford Alliance representative Kellie Armstrong MLA, is joining people and organisations across the world, to celebrate the power of connecting people of all generations.

Strangford MLA Kellie Armstrong says support Intergeneratyional week.
Strangford MLA Kelly Armstrong says support Global Intergenerational week.

As Communities Spokesperson, Kellie is keen to get the message out to the whole of the Strangford area, that those communities who invest in intergenerational initiatives experience a 20% increase in community cohesion and a 15% decrease in crime rates.

Kellie wants to challenge each of us to think about how we can all contribute toward an age-connected future.

Can you reach out to someone near you from a different generation?

You can follow the conversation on social media and share your stories. #GIW24