Ards and North Down Borough Council is one of the first local authorities to deliver a pilot scheme of ‘Chi Me’ to help residents with mental health issues improve their wellbeing.

“Almost anyone can take part in Chi Me, even those with conditions that may exclude them from other forms of exercise, as it is very low impact and places little pressure on your bones and joints. Plus no expensive exercise gear is needed; the class can be done wearing comfortable, loose clothes and trainers.”
Selwyn Johnston, Service Manager with AMH, said that he was delighted that clients who are recovering from mental ill health were able to experience this relaxing form of gentle exercise, which has helped to inspire participants to continue with regular exercise.
One of the AMH clients taking part, David Hanna, outlined that this was the first time for him to try something like this. He said: “I found Chi-Me very relaxing and great for both the mind and body.”
David hopes to continue Chi-Mi beyond the four week session and found the instructor Craig Connor, Assistant Sports Development Officer for Ards and North Down Borough Council, to be extremely encouraging and positive in demonstrating the various exercises and delivering the sessions.