Ardglass Festival Association Launching Fish With Friends

Ardglass Festival Association to build on the seafood reputation of Ardglass fishing village

Do you like seafood ? Now’s the chance for the people of Ardglass to get your favourite recipes looked out and entered into a seafood cook book celebrating local fish and shellfish at their best.

It’s time to celebrate the rich fishing heritage of Ardglass by taking part in Ardglass Festival Association’s
community-led initiative, Fish with Friends.

People from across the Ardglass community are invited to join the organisers at Ardglass Golf Club on
Monday 17th June 2024 from 7pm to 8.30pm.

Nautical connections in Ardglass in 2012: The popular raft race in Ardglass Festival sees a number of inventive crafts being built. (Photos by Jim Masson / Down News ©).

Paul O’ Shea, Ardglass Festival Association Chairman, said: “Bring your favourite seafood recipes, whether as a small taster or a written copy of the recipe. The best recipes will be chosen for inclusion in the Fish with Friends recipe booklet.

“The Fish with Friends initiative is all part of the lead up to the Festival, and the booklet will include local and international dishes, as well as some supplied by local professional and amateur chefs.

“The booklet will be launched during the Festival along with cookery demonstrations.

“This year the Festival is being held from Wednesday 31st July to Sunday 4th August. There will be 300 printed copies of the booklet available which will also be available as a PDF download.

“The aim of the Fish with Friends project is to help promote and build better relationships in what is an increasingly diverse community.

“The recipe workshop is an opportunity for all people from different backgrounds to get a better understanding of different cultures living and working in Ardglass and encouraging mutual respect.

Making a splash during Ardglass Festival in 2023.

“And it is about building positive sustainable relationships through a focus on shared community and culture through seafood and eating together.”

Paul O’Shea added: “Ardglass has been a fishing village for over 200 years. Fishing has been the backbone of the village providing jobs and incomes.

“There’s also been an increase in the number of fishermen and migrant workers from around the world who are choosing to make Ardglass their home base.

Fish with Friends is an opportunity to build new relationships in our community while bringing people together to celebrate and enjoy our local seafood produce.”

Ardglass Festival continues to grow and with a new committee and a new energy, it will gather the support of the community going forward and promoting the culinary, seafood delights of the fishing port is a win-win recipe for everyone.

This project is part-supported by the Newry Mourne and Down District Council Good Relations Funding.

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