Alliance Reps Condemn NI Water Sewage Discharges

Alliance representatives alarmed by NI Water discharging sewage along NI’s Coast

Alliance Infrastructure Spokesperson, Andrew McMurray MLA, and The Mournes Councillor, Jill Truesdale, are alarmed by the high levels of untreated sewage waste NI Water is discharging into Northern Ireland’s coastal waters. 

The South Down MLA said: “It is incredibly alarming to hear that NI Water has been discharging sewerage into coastal bathing waters on such a massive scale and I was dismayed to hear that Newcastle bathing waters are among the worst affected in Northern Ireland.

“The high levels of toxic bacteria found in Newcastle bathing waters in August are very concerning.

South Down Alliance MLA Andrew McMurray, who made his maiden speech to the Assembly and proposed the introduction of an Independent Environmental Protection Agency., has called on NI Water to stop discharging sewage into the sea. He is pictured here at Castlewellan Lake earlier this year looking into the blue-green algae problem.

“This problem is likely to get worse over the coming months, as rainfall increases and, with it, the likelihood of discharges. 

“Coming just one day after the Office for Environmental Protection’s report on water quality in Northern Ireland, these recent revelations highlight even further the damaging impact of our over-stretched and under-funded wastewater infrastructure.

“The Infrastructure Minister has failed to play his part, and our environmental, public and ecological health are all paying the price.

“It is time for the Infrastructure Minister and NI Water to get to grips with this crisis and bring our wastewater system up to standard.

“As Alliance Infrastructure Spokesperson, I am tirelessly pursuing this issue with the Minister for Infrastructure, John O’Dowd MLA.

“Last week, I asked the Minister several questions on sewage discharges, flooding, and possible solutions to the dismal state of our water and wastewater infrastructure, and I will continue to press the Minister on these extremely important issues.”

Mournes Alliance Councillor Jill Truesdale

Mournes Councillor Jill Truesdale is also concerned about the sewage discharges and added: added: “This is an issue that I have been campaigning for over the last eighteen months.

“Last year I wrote to the Permanent Secretary and requested for all year round water monitoring of bathing sites, such as the harbour swimming spot in Newcastle.

“The Secretary was very encouraging but said the decision could only be taken by a Minister in post.

“NI’s wastewater infrastructure and water monitoring systems need urgent investment.

“The current system in place to monitor water quality does not provide daily up-to-date data which everyday swimmers and bathers require to make sure they are safe.

“The figures we can access from the water quality monitoring site are running at least two weeks behind which is not good enough.”