Alliance Meet DfI Over Downpatrick Roads

Alliance meets with DfI to discuss key Downpatrick projects

Alliance meets with DfI to discuss key Downpatrick projects  

Downpatrick Councillor Cadogan Enright and South Down MLA Patrick Brown last week met with the Department for Infrastructure Roads Services to discuss progress on infrastructure projects for Downpatrick.  

Patrick Brown said: “It was great to have a productive meeting with DfI on some of the important projects that our Alliance team is working on for Downpatrick.

“In particular, Cllr Enright and I wanted to get an update on two of the most important projects in the Downpatrick area: a one-way system for Edward Street, and a Park and Ride on the Belfast Road.

“Alliance has been consistently pushing forward these projects for several years, and so I wanted to meet with DfI to discuss next steps.

Alliance South Down MLA Patrick Brown pictured with Councillor Cadogan Enright outside the DfI Roads Department at Rathkeltair House in Downpatrick.

“It was re-assuring to hear that Alliance’s consistent lobbying around the Edward Street roads issues has paid off.

“Road Service has agreed to carry out a feasibility study into options for a one-way system which they will use to consult with residents early next year.

“Having carried out surveys in the area ourselves, I know that the vast majority (83%) of residents we spoke to around Edward St, John St, St Dillons Ave and Ardmore Avenue want to see a one-way system.

“Concern at the lack of safety measures in place is only increasing week by week as there are more reports of damaged cars and risks to children.

“Alliance will continue to lobby for this until we can see it finally delivered.”

Cllr Enright said: “Our meeting with DfI also discussed the Park and Ride for the Belfast Road, which is still at business case stage.

“It is incredibly frustrating how slowly this project has progressed, and this is yet another example of the impact of budget constraints for local communities.

“Budget constraints are having a detrimental impact across the country, but it is vital for Downpatrick to have this long-promised Park and Ride facility as soon as possible to help lessen aid traffic congestion, bring a positive environmental impact and boost our local economy.

“We have also requested a follow up meeting with senior representatives within DFI to explore why projects in Downpatrick and South Down seem to be moving at a much slower pace than similar projects in Ards or Comber.”

Cllr Enright added: “Both projects are Alliance priorities, and were leading investment projects in our Restore our County Town strategy.

“Although we are still in the early stages, it is important to have these meetings regularly with DfI and other key stakeholders to ensure they are progressing.

“Alliance will continue to press for their delivery in the months and years ahead to ensure that Downpatrick can live up to its potential, and be a safe and thriving town for all to enjoy.’