Trust To Launch Recovery And Wellbeing College

The South Eastern HSC Trust (SET) will be hosting an information evening to celebrate the launch of their Recovery and Wellbeing College this month. The Information Evening will take place in AMH New Horizons, 3 Ballydugan Road, Downpatrick on 25 March 2015 from 5.00pm to 7.00pm.

dn_screenThe college is the fifth of its kind developed in Northern Ireland and builds on the national drive to create a society where people with mental health difficulties have access to the same opportunities in life as everyone else.

The college provides a range of courses and workshops designed to help people develop their skills and understanding, create a fun, positive and safe environment for learning and exploring recovery and to give people the confidence and support to access opportunities and resources available to them.

The range of educational courses, workshops and resources are available to people who use the SET’s services, their supporters (friends, family or carers) and SET staff

The evening will be a fun event and will include a range of different activities, such as: a short presentation on mental health; group-work activities and a spotlight story that will include a Peer Recovery Trainer discussing their journey of Recovery.

To find out more about the SET Recovery College and the courses available, please contact the Recovery College Co-ordinator: Anna Devlin, Recovery College Co-ordinator on (028) 9041 3872 or
