Donaghadee RNLI Assists Pleasure Boat In Difficulties

RNLI Lifeboat from Donaghadee goes to assistance of broken down 16-feet pleasure boat

The volunteer RNLI lifeboat crew from Donaghadee lifeboat station were paged by HM Coastguard at 8.14pm on the evening of Friday 26 July to assist a pleasure boat in difficulties.

The crew were requested to launch to a 16-foot pleasure boat with two people onboard, which was adrift North of Mew Island, Copeland Islands, due to engine failure.

With a crew of five onboard RNLI lifeboat Macquarie launched into favourable conditions, with clear visibility and a calm sea and were on scene with the casualty vessel  25 minutes later.

The Donaghadee RNLI lifeboat on its way to rescue two people on a 16-foot pleasure boat.

After assessment of the situation and determining that the vessel and its crew members would not be able to return to safety themselves, the coxswain of the lifeboat made the decision to establish a towline and bring the boat and its crew back to the safety of Donaghadee Harbour.

The lifeboat then returned to its moorings and was prepared by the crew for its next call out.

Following this call out, Gerry Watts, Launch Authority at Donaghadee Lifeboat Station said: “Engine breakdowns do happen and the crew did the right thing by contacting HM Coastguard early ensuring the situation was dealt with before deteriorating.

“As always we recommend that if you find yourself in difficulty that you dial 999 and ask for the coastguard, or contact them via VHF at the earliest opportunity.

“And always wear a lifejacket and carry adequate safety equipment”

Donaghadee lifeboat station has been operating since 1910. To learn more about the lifeboat station go to: