Clarke Calls For Clear Markings On Newcastle Road

Clarke calls on DfI to improve marking at a road junction and tidy up vegetation in the King Street area

Clarke calls on DfI to improve marking at a road junction and tidy up vegetation in the King Street area

Mourne’s Sinn Féin councillor Willie Clarke has called for urgent action on the lack of road markings at the Park Avenue – Castle Park junction in Newcastle.

Cllr Clarke said that “unless action is taken to address the lack of road markings, someone could be seriously injured.”

He added: “motorists approach the junction and are unsure who has right of way, and this causes frustration at this busy junction which is also endangering pedestrians.

“The importance of road markings being clear and well maintained cannot be over emphasised.

Cllr Willie Clarke on the junction of Park Avenue and Castle Park in Newcastle.

“Road markings tell us where to position our vehicles, when to reduce speed, when to stop, and what lanes to be in.

“Road markings save lives and minimise accidents.

“I will be making representations to the Department for Infrastructure DfI to end this dangerous situation as speedily as possible.”

Mournes Councillor Willie Clarke has described the DFI Roads maintenance of vegetation on King Street and Widows Row, Newcastle as “unacceptable.”

Cllr Willie Clarke says the DfI needs to maintain vegetation at King Street and Widow’s Row area in Newcastle.

Cllr Clarke said: “The roadway adjacent to Widows Row is also overgrown with gorse and briars which is causing damage to cars and residents trying to park their cars.

“Requests to cut obstructions from overgrown vegetation is a basic maintenance responsibility of DFI Roads.

“The current situation that is endangering pedestrians and motorists alike needs addressed.

“I will again be writing to DFI Roads outlining that I share the frustration of the local community and that the current maintenance schedule is not serving the needs of the road users.”