Sinn Féin Councillor Willie Clarke Calls For Repairs To Newcastle Street Lights

Newcastle Councillor Willie Clarke (Sinn Féin) has raised the issue of the non-repair of street lighting across the district with Transport NI officials at the last Down District Council meeting which was held on the 24 November. This meeting included a presentation by Transport NI.

dn_screenCouncillor Clarke said: “I have been inundated with complaints from across a wide area of Newcastle with serious concerns about the non-repair of street lights. It can be very frightening for anyone particularly people living on their own in an area with no street or road lights outside their home. It can make them feel very vulnerable. There is also the health and safety of pedestrians and motorists to be taken into consideration.

“People have been saying to me that they pay rates and expect these services to be provided. An example that illustrates the dangers to pedestrians is the darkness of the pathway along King Street leading to ‘All Children’s Primary School’ and ‘Shimna Integrated College’ in Newcastle.

“At this location you have the precarious situation where the vast majority of street lights are broken and the access is being used by hundreds of pedestrians including children and also elderly citizens from the nearby Fold accommodation.

“I raised this particular issue with Transport NI officials at the Council meeting which was held nearly two weeks ago and on my recent inspection they have still not been repaired, this is a totally unacceptable response,”  added Councillor Willie Clarke.
