FREE Farm Plans Extend to Cover all of the Aspiring Geopark
More farms than ever before can now benefit from a FREE farm plan through the Woodland Trust.
The AONB and Geopark programme which was provided by the Woodland Trust, in partnership with the Ring of Gullion and Strangford and Lecale AONBs, is now available for farm owners located over a much larger area.
Previously a farm had to be within one of the AONBs to apply.
A Council spokesperson explained now the eligible area has expanded to cover the whole of the Aspiring Geopark, which has its land boundary along the Newry Mourne and Down District Council administrative border.

Following a site visit and detailed discussion, the Woodland Trust works in partnership with the farmer to create planned, effective green infrastructure on the land.
This plan can help provide shade and shelter, reduce the overland flow of water and much more. The farmer can also get help in exploring funding opportunities.
The project has delivered 44 farm plans over the last four years. Since its inception in 2019, farms ranging in size from 4ha to 400ha have benefitted from the programme and in total it has provided woodland and hedgerow planning for more than 30000ha of farmland.
Newry Mourne and Down Council Chairperson Councillor Michael Savage said: “In a world of increased economic costs and more severe climate risks, even small changes to a farm’s resilience can have a big impact.
“Properly planned planting is a vital tool in the movement towards viability.
“I am pleased that we can offer this service to more farmers than ever, as we have been able to expand the eligible criteria beyond the boundary of the two AONBs to cover the whole of the Aspiring Geopark.

“Of course, not all farmers will be able to use this service, but we hope that many in our district who could benefit will apply.”
Despite recent uncertainty in the industry, farming is still the mainstay of the rural community forming the bedrock of the rural economy in the area.
However, there can be no doubt that farming, especially hill farming, is under significant pressure.
Increases in fodder, fuel and fertiliser costs have recently led to declines in overall income. With time and money at a premium, many farmers are now looking for more efficient ways to make farming pay.
Research has proved that increased shelter from hedges and woodlands can have a marked impact on agribusiness. For example, shelterbelts can result in a 30% reduction in lamb losses, especially in multiple births, and more significant daily live weight gains per unit of food.
Supplementary feeding can also be reduced, and the grazing season extended as land under trees absorbs rainwater up to 60 times better than exposed land.
Anyone interested in taking part in the programme should speak to the AONB and Geopark management team in the first instance by contacting Abby McSherry at 07708510344:
or Judith Hassard at 07548159835:
To find out more about the programme, check out this video on the Ring of Gullion’s YouTube Channel: