McGrath Visits True Harvest Seeds At Kilclief

Colin McGrath MLA commends work of True Harvest Seeds.

South Down MLA Colin McGrath has commended the work of Kilclief-based charity True Harvest Seeds as a “noble endeavour”.

Commenting after visiting the charity Mr McGrath said: “I was privileged to spend time today at True Harvest Seeds in Kilclief and was delighted to have Debbie Gillies show me around and see the great work that is going on there.  It was an incredibly informative and educational opportunity for me!

Debbie Gillies of True Harvest Seeds near Kilclief with South Down MLA Colin McGrath who enjoyed a tour of the facility.

“The task which Debbie is embarking upon – and has been on for some time – is a truly noble endeavour.  In an attempt to preserve and repopulate plant life which is indigenous to Ireland, True Harvest Seeds is playing its role in addressing the major climate crisis each of us is facing at present.  By reinvigorating such plant life it in turn supports the wildlife around us.

“There can be no denying there is a major climate crisis unfolding at present and if we do not do something now to radically address this the consequences will be there for all to see, taste, touch and breathe – to our own detriment.  However, I find there is always hope.  The noble endeavour which Debbie and her team at True Harvest Seeds are engaged in not only addresses the present climate crisis but also seeks to revive what are now sadly endangered species of plant life.  The vision is there for how we address the present crisis but we are all going to have to do our bit if we want to protect and replenish this earth.

This is a marvellous legacy to leave behind for the next generation.  I commend the work True Harvest Seeds is engaged in and would encourage anyone who wishes to volunteer at the site to get in touch with Debbie directly or with my office.”