‘Denying someone the correct form of their name is a clear denial of rights’ says Leanne McEvoy.
Sinn Féin Mournes Election Candidate Leanne McEvoy has said it is not acceptable that Irish language names are not fully accommodated on medical cards in the North.
The Mournes DEA candidate said: “My Sinn Fein Colleague Paul Maskey had been lobbying on behalf of a constituent who has been trying to get his son’s Irish language name on his medical card.

“The Chief Executive of the HSC has now confirmed that the fada cannot be included on medical cards.
“The fada is an integral part of the Irish language and it is unacceptable that it is not accommodated.
“Denying someone the correct form of their name is a clear denial of rights.
“This is yet another indication of the disrespect and lack of regard shown to the Irish language from official bodies and is precisely why we need an Irish Language Act.
“The Irish Language in Mournes DEA is going from strength to strength with a growing number of parents choosing to educate their children through the medium of Irish with numbers increasing in Gaelscoil & Naíscoil na mBeann, Bhunscoil Bheanna Boirche, Naíscoil Bheanna Boirche Caisleán Nua and the Irish Medium stream in my former school St Malachys High, Castlewellan.”
McEvoy added “Sinn Féin will continue to work to ensure the Irish language and Irish language community in the Mournes DEA and across the North get the respect and protection they deserve.”