Newry Mourne and Down Intercultural Forum Launches New Blog Site
A new blog site has been launched by the Newry Mourne and Down Intercultural Forum on Monday 8 November at the South Eastern Regional College (SERC) Newcastle Campus.
The blog showcases the interagency partnership which exists on the Intercultural Forum. It provides a platform in which each of the partners working together can share vital information to create an inclusive community that embraces diversity.
This project is supported by the European Union’s PEACE IV Programme which is managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB). Match funding has also been provided by The Executive Office in Northern Ireland and the Department for Rural and Community Development in Ireland.
The Intercultural Forum was established in 2018 to develop a strategic approach to identify the needs of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) groups living in the district.

The forum seeks to maximise resources and opportunities to promote equity, diversity and interdependence so that citizens with a BAME background feel recognized, fairly treated, safe and valued in the community.
It is made up of representatives from the South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust, Southern Health and Social Care Trust, The Ethnic Minority Centre, Police Service of Northern Ireland, Advice Newry Mourne and Down, Wah Help Chinese Community Association, South Eastern Regional College, Southern Regional College, Newry Chamber of Commerce, County Down Rural Community Network and the Northern Ireland Housing Executive.
Newry Mourne and Down District Council Chairperson, Councillor Cathy said: “On behalf of the Council and the PEACE IV team I would like to thank Forsythe Consulting for the effective facilitation of the Forum and RANE Digital Marketing and Kernaghan Consulting for their work on the creation of this online blog. It will act as a vital tool in educating, advising, and engaging with the community on the important work undertaken by the forum and the interagency partners involved.”
COVID-19 and the growing complexities of Brexit, in particular the EU Settlement Scheme, has acutely impacted the health, social and financial pressures experienced by our BAME community. As a result of these challenges, the Forum’s membership and outreach increased as it responded to their evolving needs, with further meaningful engagement and information sharing provided through the blog.
If you or your organisation would like to participate on the Forum or you would like more information, please contact the Forum by email:
or through the blog at :
• The Special EU Programmes Body is a North South Implementation Body sponsored by the Department of Finance in Northern Ireland and the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform in Ireland.
• It is responsible for managing two EU Structural Funds Programmes, PEACE IV and INTERREG VA which are designed to enhance cross-border co-operation, promote reconciliation, and create a more peaceful and prosperous society.
• The Programmes operate within a clearly defined area including Northern Ireland, the Border Region of Ireland and in the case of INTERREG VA, Western Scotland.
• The PEACE IV Programme has a value of €270 million and aims to promote peace and reconciliation in Northern Ireland and the Border Region of Ireland.
• For more information on the SEUPB please visit: