On Friday 3 October 2014, the Northern Ireland Assembly will be hosting a Get Involved event in the Glenada Holiday Conference Centre Newcastle.
The event is part of the Assembly Community Connect (ACC) initiative which aims to help local community and voluntary sector groups work more effectively with the Assembly and its committees. This event is a great opportunity for local groups and individuals to meet directly with their constituency MLAs, to express views and discuss concerns on local issues.
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MLAs on the panel will be: * Mr Chris Hazzard * Mr John McCallister * Mrs Karen McKevitt * Mr Seán Rogers * Ms Caitríona Ruane * Mr Jim Wells
Everyone, including community group members and organisations, are welcome to attend this FREE event.
Contact 028 9052 0321 or 028 9052 1195.
How the Assembly Works A free education programme will provide a brief overview of the NI Assembly, how it works and how people can engage more effectively with it.
Future training dates are: * 30th September 2014 * 21st October 2014 * 25th November 2014
You are invited to register your interest in this event by emailing: outreach@niassembly.gov.uk or calling 028 9052 1195.
Please state the date you’d like to attend and provide your name, organisation, email address, phone number and address.
Places are limited and will be offered on a first come first serve basis.
09.00 Registration 09.300 Welcome and Introduction to ‘Get Involved’ South Down John Stewart, Director of Information and Outreach, Northern Ireland Assembly 09.35 Presentation – How the Assembly works Ursula McCanny – Outreach Co-ordinator, Northern Ireland Assembly 10.15 Workshops: (Break at 11.00-11.15) Option A: Introduction to getting your voice heard at the Assembly This session is for those new to engaging with the Assembly. It looks at how the Assembly affects everyday life and how you can input into the decision-making process. Option B: The Committee Process and Effective evidence-giving This session is for those who have worked with the Assembly in the past. This session will provide an in-depth overview of the role of Committees and how to give evidence effectively. 12.00 Speed-networking Question and Answer session Independent – Mr John McAllister MLA DUP – Mr Jim Wells MLA SDLP – Mrs Karen McKevitt MLA, Mr Seán Rogers MLA Sinn Féin – Ms Caitríona Ruane MLA, Mr Chris Hazzard MLA 13.00 Next steps – Planning better partnerships between the Assembly and community groups. An opportunity for you to advise the Assembly how best to engage with you and those you represent. 13.15 Lunch: A chance to network with MLAs, Assembly Staff and other delegates. 14.00 Close.]]>