Down Business Connect Reaches Out For New Members
Down Business Connect chairperson Brendan Kearney is calling for new members to join the networking Downpatrick-based organisation.
It has been running for almost seven years and meets twice monthly in Denvir’s Hotel in Downpatrick where the members meet through most of the year, except during the summer recess.
Brendan said: “We are having an open morning session on Tuesday 24th January and local business and trades people can come along and see what we do as a local business group.
“We set up as a business-to-business referral group designed for the members to share business, information, advice and support and generally improve the quality of the business environment around our County Town.

“We have a number of professional people in the group at the moment who cover various business portfolios and we are very keen to broaden this wealth of talent and expertise and also to include trades people in the mix too.
“Basically, we operate on the basic of having just one person representing a profession or trade so everyone gets the maximum benefit.
“To date members have shared significant business with each other and provided contacts for other opportunities for the members.
“We are running an open morning on Tuesday 24th January. All of our sessions open at 7am for a light breakfast and chat and the formal meeting starts at 7.30am through to 8.30am.”
Brendan explained the format of the meetings saying that from 7am members can have tea and coffee and bacon rolls and fruit etc during informal chat then at 7.30am the meeting moves into an introduction by the himself as chairperson.
This is followed by each member doing a one minute presentation of their business saying what they do and what they are looking from the group.
In the closed sessions there is also a main member presentation which lasts for 10 minutes, and sometimes there is an occasional guest speaker.

Then there is a discussion and open forum where some current topics may be raised. And then the group winds up the session so everyone can start their business day.
Brendan added: “We are keen to talk to anyone interested in coming along on the morning of the open meeting. If you are interested in attending, just email:
- Kieran McMahon:
- Gillian Grant:
- or myself (Brendan Kearney) on: ( 07989335041 ).
“This is a great way to extend your business network and help out local economy grow in these challenging times.