irrespective of traditions and backgrounds, for eligible applicants, to attend an Irish Language summer course.

The purpose of the Gaeltacht Bursary Scheme is to provide practical assistance to those who have signed up to the LÃofa challenge in pledging to reach fluency in Irish by 2015. The scheme has been developed and the criteria established to support individuals with financial outlays which may otherwise be a barrier to them accessing an Irish Language Gaeltacht course.
The Gaeltacht Bursary Scheme 2013 will be open to participants who meet the following criteria:
* Â Signed up to the LÃofa 2015 challenge;
* Â Are not in receipt of any other scholarship
* Â Reside in one of the six counties in the north of Ireland; ie Armagh, Fermanagh, Antrim, Derry, Down, or
Eligible applicants who meet one of the following criteria at the time of application will receive a full bursary (ie Course Fee and
Applicant or the applicant’s child(ren) are in receipt of free school meals as approved by the local
Education and Library Board (applicants will be required to provide a copy of the Board’s award letter);
or are in receipt of one of the following:
* Â Pension Credit;
* Â Income Support;
* Â Income based Job Seekers Allowance;
* Â Income related Employment and Support Allowance;
* Â Guarantee element of State Pension Credit;
* Â Support under the Immigration and Asylum Act 3; or
*  Young people who receive Income Support, income based Job Seeker’s Allowance or income related
Employment and Support Allowance, in their own right, are also eligible.
Depending on the demand for the courses, part bursaries (i.e. course fee only) may be made available for LÃofa participants who
reside in the north and are on a low income but are not on the benefits detailed above.
The scheme will be open to applicants who may have already registered for a course but who meet the criteria.
If you wish to apply you can download the application form by following the link on the LÃofa section of the Department of Culture,
Alternatively, you can request a form by telephoning 02890 515058.
A signed hard copy of the application form should be returned to DCAL, Languages Branch, 7th Floor, Causeway Exchange,
1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast, BT2 7EGÂ by 4pm on 10 May 2013.